Safe and Eco-Friendly Ways to Dispose of Gasoline: A Complete Guide

How you handle a highly flammable and toxic liquid like gasoline matters, especially if you store it at home. Mainly used for vehicles and motorcycles, gasoline is also used to operate mechanical lawnmowers, which is one reason why storing this flammable liquid at home can occur.

Cautious handling of flammable liquid is essential. Apart from being a fire hazard, it’s environmentally important to dispose of gasoline properly. It poses a risk of groundwater contamination as liquid gasoline can seep into the ground when improperly disposed of.

Although the burning of gasoline is unhealthy for the environment, using it in vehicles and other mechanical equipment is better than disposing of it in the open or in water sources. However, if you must dispose of this highly flammable liquid, it’s important to do it in a manner that ensures environmental and public safety.

How to Dispose of Gasoline Properly

Store Gasoline in a Safe Place

A substance like gasoline should be stored in a safe place if you are keeping some in a container. Look for well-ventilated spaces without the risk of any source of heat or electricity around.

A recommendation from an automotive repair expert for homeowners storing gasoline is to keep them away from the house. A detached garage or shed is the best place to store flammable liquid.

Storing gas in your home poses a serious fire and public health hazard. There could be leaks or gas fumes from jerry cans not properly sealed. This could lead to serious fire accidents that would destroy life and properties.

It’s best recommended that leftover gasoline is stored in outdoor structures with the perfect temperature. Store in a separate garage, shed, or storage barn with an average internal temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) or below. Make sure there are no potential sources of ignition. Avoid storing gasoline near spaces close to hot water tanks and radiators. Prioritize safety by keeping a fire extinguisher nearby at all times.

  • Safely store gasoline in air-tight and approved containers. Most importantly, keep out of the reach of children, open flames, and pets.
  • Do not store in containers in your car’s trunk (car boot). Storing gasoline in your car’s trunk could lead to an explosion from heat or impact during an auto crash.

Learn more: Petrol Vs. Diesel: Which is More Eco-Friendly?

How to Dispose of Gasoline Properly

Reserving gasoline in containers for later use is common for homeowners using mechanical lawnmowers. Unused gas stored in vehicles and other fuel-powered mechanical equipment is also another example where gas is stored for a longer period.

Unused gas stored for months can degrade and become a pollutant, causing health and environmental hazards.

So, how can you find out if gas stored for months or even years is still safe to use and if it’s not, how do you properly dispose of gasoline without causing irreparable harm to the environment?

Firstly, check if the gas is contaminated as a result of being stored for too long in a car tank or container. Get a clear glass or transparent container and pour some of the gas into it. Pour a newly purchased gas into another transparent container to compare the appearance with the other liquid.

If you notice that the old gasoline is darker in appearance compared to the new one, it’s no longer safe to use in any fuel-powered engine. If you notice rust, dirt or settling on the bottom of the container that the old liquid is poured in, it shows that it’s contaminated and unsafe to use.

It’s best to get rid of that old gasoline and you need to do it in an eco-friendly manner. Kindly choose any of the following methods to get rid of old and contaminated gasoline in your possession.

1. Hand it Over to Your Local Fire Department

Some fire stations will be happy to take old and contaminated gasoline off your hands. So, you can look for a nearby fire station to collect old gas that would otherwise contaminate your surroundings.

The fire station may decide to send old gasoline to a recycling facility for proper disposal. Make sure to check if your local fire department offers such a service before taking your unusable gas there.

2. Look for an Auto Repair Shop and Garage Nearby

Some auto repair shops accept and buy old gasoline. This method is rewarding and at the same time, you are properly disposing of old gas.

Auto repair shops use old gasoline as cleaning agents for engine blocks and other parts of an engine stained with grease and motor oil. They also use old gas as tractor fuel, fuel for waste oil heaters, etc.

Learn more: 20 Zero-Waste Examples

Take Old Gasoline to a Household Hazardous Waste Facility (HHW)

Household hazardous waste facilities accept toxic substances such as paint thinners, gasoline, etc. HHWF facilities do not repurpose or recycle old gasoline, instead, they treat them to ensure they are disposed of safely.

Make sure you check the official website of the nearest HHW facility to find out if they accept old and contaminated gasoline. Also, there might be a charge fee to offer this service.

Take Old Gasoline to Community Collection Event

Non-government units, organizations, local government departments, and businesses help residents get rid of old gasoline by hosting recycling events. These events encourage recycling among communities to ensure a safe environment.

All you have to do is check with the organizers of these events to find anyone accepting old gasoline.

Risk of Improper Gasoline Disposal

  • Gasoline is a highly flammable liquid with a toxic vapour. Exposure to gas and inhaling vapours while pouring it into a container may lead to dizziness, shortness of breath, and headaches.1
  • You may also experience skin irritation or a burning sensation when old gasoline is spilt on your skin. Ingesting large amounts of this flammable and toxic liquid may also lead to internal organ damage.2
  • Improper disposal of gasoline with regular waste creates a potential fire hazard. Under the right conditions, this could ignite causing serious damage that was not intended.
  • Disposing of gasoline down the drain will contaminate the municipal water system. Pouring as little as a gallon (3.78 litres) can contaminate about 750,000 gallons (2839058.84 litres) of water.3


Gasoline is a highly flammable and toxic liquid that should be properly disposed of by not storing it in the house or pouring it down the drain. Improper disposal of gas will contaminate groundwater or even worse, start a fire.

These sustainable methods are best recommended for proper disposal of gas to avoid fire accidents and exposure to human health or the environment.


  1. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry: Medical Management Guidelines for Gasoline ↩︎
  2. Huizen, J. (n.d.). How does gasoline exposure affect a person’s health? Medical News Today. ↩︎
  3. Waterline. (2017, August 21). Water contamination- How far do pollutants reach? | The 71 percent. ↩︎

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