Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy (DCMA)

All portions of our website are for personal use.

The ISP and/or Administrator is not responsible for the contents of any linked websites or any link contained in Link Site or for any changes/updates to such websites.

Our team is not responsible for the contents of websites linked to Whatisgreenliving.com, or links that are found on the websites linked to Whatisgreenliving.com, or any form of update/change made on such websites.

It is our policy at What Is Green Living to respond to valid infringement notices and we will take appropriate actions under the copyright laws.

We are a platform that takes valid infringement notices very seriously because it is our responsibility to comply with the DMCA and other international copyright laws.

It is our responsibility and we remain committed to responding to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement.

If any of our users have infringed on your intellectual property rights, kindly send us a notification with important information about the issue at hand.

Please be reminded that all notices sent should follow and comply with the DMCA notification information requirements.

Make sure that your notice follows the guidelines below and we will act swiftly to remove the material.

All copyright owners should quickly contact us if they find any content on this website which they have copyright over. We assure you that the content will be taken down immediately.

DMCA Takedown Request Guidelines

  1. You must identify yourself as:
    • The owner of the work that was copyrighted or as the authorized individual acting on the owner’s behalf whose work has been allegedly infringed.
  2. You must identify the allegedly infringed copyright work(s).
  3. You must identify the material claimed to be infringed or the subject of infringing activity by providing the accurate location of the infringing file.
  4. You must provide the URL where we posted the link.
  5. You also need to provide your contact information, including your full name, address, and active phone number.
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