Recycling & Waste

How to Dispose Waste Properly

How to Dispose Waste Properly: A Guide to Proper Waste Management

Proper waste disposal should be a common practice, yet most people choose to ignore it. Sometimes, individuals don’t care about how or where they dump their household trash, especially plastic items like bottles, bags, and disposable cutlery. This common household waste contributes significantly to environmental degradation. In this guide, we will discuss proper waste management […]

You can recycle paper 5 to 7 times

How Many Times Can You Recycle Paper Before It Loses Quality?

Paper has been a reliable material for documentation through the ages, and we have the Chinese Han Dynasty to thank for inventing this material in 105 AD. Today, paper remains a valuable material even in this digital age. It’s been used in various applications, from product packaging to creative arts and continues to be an

Benefits of Recycling to the Environment

10 Benefits of Recycling to the Environment and Why You Should Get Involved

In today’s world, rapid urbanization and thriving industries have led to increased waste generation, as the incineration of waste in landfills continues to harm the planet. Various industries rely on manufacturing processes that contribute to large amounts of solid waste, which can harm the environment. To minimize the impact of waste, recycling offers a sustainable

What Is Textile Recycling and How It Works

What Is Textile Recycling and How Does It Work?

Textile waste is a global problem that most people don’t consider when decluttering their wardrobes. New trends in the fashion world are emerging by the day and our throwaway culture, driven by the belief that certain items are old fashioned, is increasing the amount of waste in landfills. Fast fashion thrives with the new generation.

How to Dispose of a Microwave Properly

Smart and Eco-Friendly Ways to Safely Dispose of Your Microwave

Are you planning on upgrading your kitchen appliance, specifically your microwave oven, and wondering if it is better to toss the faulty or old one in the dumpster? You should reconsider your option, and choose a more sustainable method if you are thinking of simply dumping items in your backyard or waste bin. Illegal disposal

Recycling Bin Colours and Their Meanings

Recycling Bin Colours and Their Meanings

Recycling bins with different colours are for various types of waste from homes and businesses. The colours of these bins specify what type of waste material should be put in them, and knowing where to drop your waste is environmentally important. These coloured bins can only have recyclable or compostable items thrown in them. It’s

Candles and Jars on a table waiting to be properly disposed of

Eco-Friendly Ways to Dispose of Your Old Candle

Candles are part of the indoor décor options that add a unique touch to a living space. They are available in all sizes, shapes and colours to satisfy individual tastes. Whether celebrating a special occasion or creating a relaxing ambience, candles can complement the décor, creating a warm and cosy atmosphere. But what happens when

Reuse Is Better Than Recycle

Why Reuse Is Better Than Recycle

Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the three “R’s” principles that promote environmental sustainability through waste reduction and sustainable practices. They are properly written and arranged in ascending order based on their impact on the environment. According to a publication by NC State Extension, the first “R”, reduce refers to eliminating or decreasing generated waste or

Dispose of Motor Oil Properly

Ultimate Guide to Environmentally-Friendly Motor Oil Disposal

We recommend switching to electric vehicles, but if you prefer diesel or gasoline-powered ones, how often do you change your motor oil, and what is your disposal routine like? Motor oil keeps the engine functional, and given the number of gasoline cars on the road, the recommended 3,000-mile (4,500-kilometer) oil change interval results in a

How to Dispose of Carpet Properly

How to Effectively and Responsibly Get Rid of Old Carpets

Are you doing some interior renovation that doesn’t include old carpets? If it’s been years and you feel it’s time to get rid of worn-out or old pieces, discarding them in landfills is not sustainable for the environment. There are other options to consider—sustainable choices that keep synthetic carpets out of landfills. Carpets typically remain

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