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Best Eco-Friendly Disposable Cutlery

5 Best Eco-Friendly Disposable Cutlery Options

Disposable plastic cutlery remains one of the major contributors to plastic waste after use. According to statistics, about 40 billion plastic utensils are discarded annually in the United States alone. This amount of plastic waste is concerning, especially since some of it is not recycled and continues to persist in nature. Plastic waste takes a […]

Biodegradable Vs. Compostable

How Biodegradable and Compostable Materials Differ: A Complete Guide

“Biodegradable” and “compostable” are two environmental-related terms commonly used interchangeably but there is a difference. Materials that are biodegradable and compostable can fully decompose through the activity of microorganisms. Microorganisms and other tiny living organisms are instrumental in the biodegradation of organic materials. Microorganisms alongside heat and humidity are also required to achieve compost products.

What Is a Biodegradable Garbage Bag and Why Use It?

What Is a Biodegradable Garbage Bag and Why Use It?

Biodegradable materials are eco-friendly alternatives for reducing solid waste in landfills and environmental pollution in general. An example is the biodegradable garbage bag, which is used to dispose of waste in an eco-friendly manner. Biodegradable garbage bags are a solution to the widely used plastic bags. Naturally designed to break down completely within a specific

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